
Stepping up into Leadership

Sep 18, 2020

Special guest: Susannah Chambers, Scrum Master and Education Strategist.

We have come together to discuss “stepping up into leadership” because we are both passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of people internationally through enabling high-quality learning opportunities. We are focussing on women because we believe the world needs more women in decision making positions.

Research has shown that there are very few women who hold top leadership positions. There is also research that shows the many systemic barriers.

Luckily, we have seen more and more women stepping up into leadership, albeit the numbers are still minimal. There is a need to increase the numbers, even more, however, many years of discontent and discrimination has led to many other women giving up trying or not stepping up. Our discussion in this session is around ‘self-inclusion’ and ‘stepping up’. We share our experience and thoughts on the subject of women’s viewpoint. It is our aim that someone can find some inspiration in their journey to leadership.

“Susannah: My experience and expertise – as a teacher and a manager – is in approaches using Family Learning, Intergenerational Learning, Community Learning, and digital approaches.”

The three topics discussed in this video are around:

  1. Why is it important for women to seek out leadership opportunities within organisations?
  2. What are some of the personal issues that women have in seeking out those leadership positions?
  3. How do you think we can encourage more women to be hungry enough to seek these opportunities out?

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